Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Second and final.

Although i'm not a Manchester United fan,but i still went and see them played.Twice!The atmosphere the secong time was'nt that nice.The crowd were 5times lesser.They controlled the seating.There were noisy drum/Kompang people.They used a different/bouncy/hard to control ball.If you went on the first day and the second,you may see the difference.

There were hardly any foodstalls.people Boo when three person came in wearing chelsea.I got a very nice view.The players (Mostly)were off form.The ball was slightly bouncy.The game were'nt that nice compared to the first day.They did'nt put their Stars in.They only came in at the 60th minute,kinda late by then.Amri Yayah was not productive.

Malaysia's passing were crap,so is MU.But not as bad.And not to mention,the guy in front of me,He smells.Badly.There were 2bugs and 1 yellowish fly on the back of his shirt for more then the whole game,it was there for like 3 hours.Ever since i went,that fly was not like others.I tried hitting it off,to no avail.It was like laying eggs on his shirt.Plain disgusting.

Mind my professional photography and using my nice DSLR.Bullshit.

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